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Version: 0.22.0

Getting started Enterprise


This feature is in alpha and certain aspects will change

We're very excited for people to use this feature. However, please note that changes in the API, behaviour and security will evolve. The feature is suitable to use in controlled testing environments.

This guide shows you the basics steps to start using Explorer.


Before using Explorer, please ensure that:

  • You have Weave Gitops Enterprise v0.21.2
  • You have deployed an application.


Explorer is enabled via configuration through the feature flag enableExplorer that you could configure in your Weave Gitops Enterprise HelmRelease values:

kind: HelmRelease
name: weave-gitops-enterprise
namespace: flux-system
# ... other spec components
enableExplorer: true

For a complete overview on the configuration you could see configuration.

Explorer UI

Login to Weave Gitops and Explorer will be shown in the navigation menu Explorer.

Explorer UI looks as follows:


It has two main components:

  • A search dialog with filter to querying the platform resources
  • A table with the filtered resources.

For a more detailed view on the UI you could see querying.

Discovering Applications

For this example we are using the application podinfo but you could use any other app that suits your scenario.

There are two main ways to discover data:

  • Querying via the search dialog.
  • Filtering via the pre-built filter list.


Just typing podinfo in the search dialog returns the applications that matches the term

podinfo app found

For more info on how querying works to query and advanced queries see querying.


A set of queries are set as filters. For example, just select the filter Failed to get all the apps that are failing in a moment in time.

failed apps

Next Steps

Once you have an initial experience using explorer, you could

  • Deep dive in querying to see how it works and advanced queries.
  • See configuration for the options that you could configure in explorer.